You Make Me Brave

"You make me brave, You make me brave, You call me out beyond the shore into the waves. You make me brave, You make me brave, no fear can hinder now the promises You made." Since I started on my seminary journey a few weeks ago, I realized that there are moments when I constantly have to choose to be courageous. Even more I realized that the enemy is threatened by my desire to go into vocational ministry and my longing to simply just help people encounter God. The call to ministry is a call that is never simple and requires much faith as God beckons me out into the rushing tides. I had the great opportunity to go to Bethel Music's Tides tour this past weekend. For the most part it was refreshing and rejuvenating to be in a worship environment again where God's presence is thick and the Spirit is moving mightily. From getting to sing out loud how God is forever glorified to feeling God's embrace as we acknowledged His presence, it was my flavor of how I love to ...