A Pursuit of Passion: Becoming a Novice Baker & Cook

Over the past couple of years, whenever people try something I have baked or cooked (that tastes delicious haha), they normally ask me when I started to become interested in baking and cooking. I have always enjoyed good food and I have always loved watching Food Network, but I did not become interested in actually baking and cooking on my own until college when I discovered that both activities were therapeutic for my soul and it was fun way for me to express affection and care towards my friends and InterVarsity family. Therefore, whenever I had the chance, I always volunteered to cook or bake something. Some of my college food endeavors included guava cake, dessert nachos, sweet and sour pork, and spicy crispy tofu. After I graduated from college, made some money, and settled into a home with some friends, I was able to develop my baking passion even more. Whenever I had the chance, I tried baking up something delicious... a...