My God Who Weeps: Lament & Grief, the Gospel, and Pastoral Ministry

During my seminary years, one of the most important courses I took was grief counseling. Although only an elective, grief counseling was healing for myself and helped me understand how pastors and ministry leaders have an important call to provide care for people who have experienced loss in our congregations. For me, grief refers to the process of experiencing the physical, psychological, behavioral, and social reactions to the perception of loss (Rando, 1993). Attune to this calling for myself, I could see all over social media that people were grieving in some manner because of the pandemic. Towards the end of 2020, I saw a particular social media post from the parent of a former student who was expressing her frustration over the postponement of student athletics in the Central Valley and the toll it has had on all of her teenage kids. This made me begin thinking about the loss both 2020 graduates and 2021 graduates have experienc...