Can't Ministry Be My Tithe, God?
God always brings this up, lol. This time it was through the message during the high school service (no I'm not in high school, I'm just a leader and intern with the high school ministry haha). Today, one of the other leaders shared about the sacrifices he has made in his walk with Jesus and how God desires for all of us to live sacrificially that we may experience a more full life with Him. Since it was directed more towards high school students, his challenge to them was to find something that they need to sacrifice in their lives that is hindering their relationship with Jesus. During his sermon though, I began thinking about how I haven't tithed lately. In the Old Testament, the Israelites were required on several occasions to give ten percent (tithe=one-tenth) of all they owned to God. Of course, Jesus's life, ministry, death, and resurrection was the fulfillment of the Law, so though we are no longer required to tithe, we are called to set aside a...