
Showing posts from September, 2017

Cinnamon Roll Cake!

Yesterday was a busy day for me. I have been helping out a church near The Bridge as a guest speaker from time to time as they search for a new English pastor, so I had the opportunity to share with them my talk on God, the Church, and Suicide which I had given to my high school students a few months back. After finishing up there I had to get ready for a student leadership meeting. When I got back to my place and was watching Youtube videos during my rest time, I saw that one of my favorite YT cooks--Laura Vitale--had posted a new video guessed it...CINNAMON ROLL CAKE. I knew I had to make it, especially since it was a simple recipe and I was a bit ahead on my school work. After finishing up my work, I went to the store and bought the necessary ingredients since we had gotten rid of almost everything during the period of the moth infestation in our kitchen. I returned and started making the cake right away. Making the cake was super easy since I just used a box mix. The ...