Cinnamon Roll Cake!

Yesterday was a busy day for me. I have been helping out a church near The Bridge as a guest speaker from time to time as they search for a new English pastor, so I had the opportunity to share with them my talk on God, the Church, and Suicide which I had given to my high school students a few months back. After finishing up there I had to get ready for a student leadership meeting.

When I got back to my place and was watching Youtube videos during my rest time, I saw that one of my favorite YT cooks--Laura Vitale--had posted a new video guessed it...CINNAMON ROLL CAKE. I knew I had to make it, especially since it was a simple recipe and I was a bit ahead on my school work.

After finishing up my work, I went to the store and bought the necessary ingredients since we had gotten rid of almost everything during the period of the moth infestation in our kitchen. I returned and started making the cake right away. Making the cake was super easy since I just used a box mix. The surprise ingredient, which I think helps with keeping the cake moist, is...SOUR CREAM! After making the batter, I started working on the cinnamon filling. I immediately noticed a problem: I FORGOT TO BUY BROWN SUGAR. I scrambled to the internet to see what I could do since I didn't want to drive back to the store. Most people recommended adding granulated sugar and molasses (since that's how you make brown sugar), but since I didn't have molasses, I went with the alternative of adding granulated sugar and MAPLE SYRUP. Yes, maple syrup.

After making the filling and dolloping onto the batter, I swirled in the filling. One issue was the fact that the cinnamon mixture was more liquidy than the original recipe because of the addition of maple syrup, so the design was not as noticeable. I forgot to take a pic before placing the cake into the oven, but here it is halfway through the bake!

The original recipe said to leave it in for about 30 minutes, but the additional liquid required me to leave it in for an additional five minutes. Here is the cake out of the oven!

While the cake was cooling, I worked on the glaze. The glaze recipe is simple. Just cream cheese, milk, powdered sugar, and some vanilla extract. Delicious.

FINAL VERDICT: Although I had to make some deviations, I am pleased with the final product. It still remained moist despite being left in the oven longer than needed. A decent crumb and texture. You can still see some cinnamon swirl despite the runny-ness of the mixture. It's not overly sweet either, which I appreciate! It also does taste similar to a cinnamon roll. The glaze perfects the taste. Overall, I will definitely keep this in my arsenal for party desserts and will make sure to have all of the ingredients on hand next time.

For those of you who want to recreate it for yourselves, here is the link to the original recipe. Thanks for reading, friend, and I hope you enjoy your own baking adventure!


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