
Ephesians 5:14
Therefore it says, "Awake, o sleeper, and arise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you."

Being back from OGN for a little more than 12 hours, I have had a bit of time to process through everything that I have learned, everything that happened, all the experiences I had.

One thing I can say for sure is that God has awakened my soul, and I'm never going back to that state of slumber. The place I am in right now is the best, for I am always in His presence! No matter what I'm feeling, whether it's joy or sorrow, my soul will always turn me to the One who loves and saves.

As I reflect on the conversations I had with people on the beaches of SD, I can honestly say that none of them were of me. I am not that smart. I am not that knowledgeable. I am not that eloquent. Yet, people continued to listen and were open enough to listen to what we had to say. What I love about going out and talking to people is that I get to find out about their faith and what has happened in their life. Whether it's encouraging or heart-wrenching, God always shows up in their story, whether they see Him in it or not. I have such a deep love for all of the people I talked to this week...and by God's grace...I am able to keep in touch with them. This is the chance to continue what God has already started!

So here are a few lessons learned this year at OGN:

1. No one...NO ever too far gone!
The day we give up on our friends and the people who don't know Christ is the day we personally condemn them to hell. I love what one of my evangelism teachers said though. When it comes to evangelizing and spreading the Kingdom, you have to say, "HELL NO!" We have to realize that NO ONE is ever too far gone. If God was able to captivate my sinful heart, I know He can AND will captivate others!

2. Live the new normal: naturally supernatural
I've been waiting for quite awhile for OGN to apply this concept, but I love the fact they finally did! Knowing now that others want to live this way encourages me to strive for God even more and live in the supernatural! There are so many stories that happened this week that has supernatural written all over it! God is so good! From brothers and sisters interpreting dreams to giving words of knowledge & encouragement, God moved His Spirit in a mighty way!

3. Listen simple and so profound. How often do we spend our day listening to God's voice, the Holy Spirit? Honestly, since being on break, for some reason, I haven't been listening as much. Yet, this past week, when I decided to listen to God and see what HE wanted to share with His children, I got my socks rocked! Also, on my prayer and fasting day (July 4th), we went into a time of listening to God's voice, and the oldest guy on the trip (over 80 years old and one of the most conservative Christians I know...AND i can say that since I know him very well, haha) received a word from God to tell two partners on the beach to be looking for a Marine because God wanted to talk to that marine. happened!!! I was also able to share words with two different ladies that ended up being spot on! God is SSSOOO good and funny!

Lastly, with my soul awakened, God revealed to me some fears. Since entering into the internship with the high school ministry, I realized that I have been completely terrified of getting to know these high schoolers. I mean, who consciously decides to go back to high school after being out of it for two years and learning what the world is really like? At breakfast day, a pastor that I respect (kinda the head honcho of OGN) asked me why I decided to be an intern (cuz I found out earlier in the week he somehow knew I was the intern for Brandon, haha), and my answer was the generic, "It's something that God told to me to take a risk on and try," because honestly, that's the truth. Ministry was never a part of MY life plan, not in the sense of being that kind of leader...but God decides otherwise, lol. I am happy to say though that God has quenched those fears though, AND I cannot wait to get to know all of these high schoolers. The group that went to OGN this year I can tell is going to help REVOLUTIONize that group and their schools. I feel right now that God wants me to help them and try to teach them how not to leave that place they are in, the place of His presence and peace. Also, one morning when I woke up, my mind started singing Cory Asbury's Where I Belong...and after much prayer and discerning...I am certain God wanted to tell me that He wants me to be with these high schoolers the rest of the summer.

I shall simply say I love God. I love God for who He is, I love God for what He does. I am not worthy of anything He did for me or through me this week, but He has counted me worthy to be a servant of His Kingdom. Thus, I go out in force for Him. All the glory, honor, and praise to Him!


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