A New Thing Springs Forth: The Next Leg of the Voyage

After twenty-eight years of The Bridge Church being my central tribe, it's time to spread my wings. A couple weeks ago, God opened up the opportunity for me to be the next Youth Director at Trinity Lutheran Church in Fresno. After much prayer and introspection, I accepted the position. I officially wrap up at The Bridge in a couple weeks and begin at Trinity Lutheran in June. A part of me is quite excited for this new opportunity. A part of me is still dumbfounded that this is happening. A part of me is also sad because I am leaving something that has been familiar my whole life--a place that has been my home and people who have been my family. Although The Bridge will always be my "home church" and the people at The Bridge will always be my family, the relationship is shifting in this new season.

So why a Lutheran church? The easiest answer I can give people is that (1) God has been preparing me to leave The Bridge and (2) I need time away from the evangelical church tradition. If you would like to learn more about how God has been preparing me, please read the text in the letter below. As for why I need time away from the evangelical tradition, it's a bit more complex. Since college, my worldview and theology has been evolving in a way that created tension with the conservative evangelical worldview and theology I grew up with. I'll spare you the details, but my time in seminary helped me to name and engage these tensions in a healthy manner. Such engagement led me to decide that--if the door opened up for me to step away from the evangelical church into another Protestant tradition that aligned with my current worldview and theology--I would take it. Hence, with me finishing up seminary and this new non-evangelical pastoral position being offered to me, God's timing was perfect as usual...even if I didn't always perceive it.

Please know that the decision wasn't easy. Thankfully, I had friends who walked with me throughout the whole discernment process, asked the correct questions, and extended encouragement. If you're reading this, you know who you are and I'm grateful for you. I'm grateful for the many seasons I had at The Bridge and how God used this church to develop me into the man, leader, and pastor I am today. Most importantly, I'm grateful for the God who never fails, who never abandons, and who is above all I know. It is because of God's calling in my life I look forward to this new season of investing into the lives of kids and teens in Central Fresno.

Feel free to read my resignation letter below. If you have any questions after or would like to meet up to talk, just reach out! For my Bridge readers, I hope you stop by the Cafe on Sunday, May 27 in between the gatherings so that I can give you a hug and thank you! In the meantime, please keep me and this transition in your prayers. :)

Dear Bridge friends,

It is with a mixture of excitement and sadness I share with you that I have resigned from my position at The Bridge. After much prayer, introspection, and counsel, I have accepted God's call to be the next Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministries at Trinity Lutheran Church in Fresno. 

As some of you know, I have grown up at The Bridge Church and have attended this church for a majority of my life. It is here I first decided to accept Jesus as my Lord and Savior. It is here I discovered what authentic Christian community and friendship looks like.

It is also here I was given the opportunity to serve as High School Intern for several years under Pastor Brandon Blumberg. Then, during the summer of 2014, I was given the opportunity by Pastor Jeremy Tullis to come on staff as the High School Director. For three and a half years I had the honor and privilege of helping the high school students discover and follow Jesus. Most recently, I was given the opportunity to serve as the Spiritual Growth Coordinator. I am grateful and blessed that my professional ministry career began at the place I call home.

So, why this resignation? At the beginning of the Student Pastor search in 2017, I began preparing myself for the next season of ministry. It was during this time I sensed God calling me away from The Bridge for something new. Although I was open to the leading of the Holy Spirit, I was committed to providing leadership to High School and loving the students until the new Student Pastor was hired; I asked God to make my path clear once the hire was made. After the leadership transition between me and Pastor Hayden occurred, the pastor at Trinity Lutheran Church invited me for an interview following a recommendation by the former Youth Director to be their replacement. After visiting the church and interacting with the staff, adults, and students, God made it clear that this is His new thing for me. My primary responsibilities will be to grow and provide leadership over the High School and Junior High ministries and oversee the Children’s ministries. 

Be assured, I love this church. I love the people. I love the future God has in store and am excited to see how The Bridge continues to become a church for the Valley. I will leave a huge piece of my heart here. No matter where God takes me next, The Bridge will always be my “home church.”


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