Fifteen Years Later, I Still Miss You

After I finished up at church this afternoon, I paid a visit to my grandma and grandpa since it's been awhile since I went to go see them. Today is fifteen years since my grandma passed away. I visited them alone because I wanted the time to reflect and meditate by myself without anyone with me (dang my introversion haha). Although I know that neither one of them are physically here, there's something deeply comforting being at their gravesides and spending time with God--as if they were both right next to me as I engage with the Father. Not long after they placed her grave stone, my family took me to go look at it, which is when I left a letter for her expressing how much I would miss her. I left a letter for her today...the exact amount of closure I needed. Dear Grandma, It’s been fifteen years since God decided that your journey on earth was at its end and he called you into your new journey into eternity. I still remember the night when m...