
Showing posts from May, 2010

Come As You Are

In the midst of finals...especially when the outcome of such finals possibly determines whether you pass the class or is easy to feel inadequate, to feel lonely, to feel like you are not worthy of all the blessings you have received this past year. I said earlier this week that I need finals to be over so that I can reflect properly about this year. I still stand by that and I await eagerly until after my Bio final when I am able to come into the presence of my Father and be with Him, not having to worry about school, work, or what may come next. But as I study for finals, I can feel the presence of God with me. I enjoy the small things, cherish what seems silly. Strangely, I am experiencing His joy all the more. Usually through these times, I would be stressed beyond all belief....especially with the classes I am studying for. In a sense, I am a little stressed, but I have more of a calmness that usual. You may see the tiredness on my face, but my physical expressions...

Brothers are the best

Before I begin to study for finals, God has given me such a great appreciation for the brothers I have in Christ. I'm not going to lie, this week was taxing for me...physically because of school and emotionally because of all the things that were going on in my head. Yet, my brothers came to my rescue again, whether or not they know it. From the smallest bit of encouragement on a Facebook post to a 2.5 hour conversation with a brother in another city, God lifted my head and showed me that He cares for me as much as my brothers do. If they didn't care about me...they wouldn't give me the time of day. They wouldn't be willing to listen to all my problems and thoughts. Yet they do, and I couldn't be more grateful. God has given me amazing friends, loving brothers, and encouraging running mates. Without the community God has surrounded me with, I definitely wouldn't be as stable and as firm in my faith as I am today. So thank you to all my brothers. I lov...

How Did They Feel?

I wonder how Paul felt about Timothy and the rest of the believers in the church right before he died. What did he think of them? Did he have that holy sense of pride and joy that he was able to raise up such a great flock by God's grace and was able to join them in expanding the Kingdom? And how did Elijah feel about Elisha right before he was taken up to heaven? Elisha asked for a DOUBLE portion of his spirit! The concept of discipleship was always a little hazy to me until this past year. I finally understood what it meant to be a leader, an influencer, and a brother. I finally learned what it meant to be truly accountable with someone and what it means to be vulnerable. I was not worthy of the discipleship I had with David. I did not do anything to do deserve it, and my merits did not put me in the place to have such a relationship. But God knew that it was something that I needed to experience and go through. I can definitely say that because of the past several mon...
A CALL TO HUMILITY A brother shared a word with me last night about how God will be calling us next year to more selflessness, more humility as body of Christ here at UC Merced. This morning, God told me to read Philippians 2, and after reading, I was blown away...mainly because I believe that my brother is right in what he shared. May God fill with me humility all the more and teach me what it truly means to deny myself for the sake of others. " So if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort from love, any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy, complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind. Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not cou...