How Did They Feel?

I wonder how Paul felt about Timothy and the rest of the believers in the church right before he died. What did he think of them? Did he have that holy sense of pride and joy that he was able to raise up such a great flock by God's grace and was able to join them in expanding the Kingdom? And how did Elijah feel about Elisha right before he was taken up to heaven? Elisha asked for a DOUBLE portion of his spirit!

The concept of discipleship was always a little hazy to me until this past year. I finally understood what it meant to be a leader, an influencer, and a brother. I finally learned what it meant to be truly accountable with someone and what it means to be vulnerable. I was not worthy of the discipleship I had with David. I did not do anything to do deserve it, and my merits did not put me in the place to have such a relationship. But God knew that it was something that I needed to experience and go through. I can definitely say that because of the past several months running with David, I have become a stronger man of God and a better brother in Christ. There is more gratitude in my heart than I can ever express. Though we have come to the end of the road as discipler and disciple, I cannot wait to continue on the same road and work along side him for the purposes of the Kingdom as brothers in arms. I can't wait to see how God is going to use David to bless someone next year, hopefully in the same way that I was able to bless and encourage him.

It's surreal to me now that I am in a place of searching and discerning again. Who's life does God want me to impact next...and who does God want me to be impacted by? David gave me a word a couple days ago about how my next disciple may not necessarily be a freshmen. The more I reflect and pray over that word, the more I feel like that David is right. I am excited for the incoming freshmen class, but it's not to the same intensity as it was when they first came in at the beginning of this year. I feel like right now, God wants me to continue loving and pouring out onto the class of 2013. I have no doubt that God will lead me to a freshmen that he'll want me to pour into, but I have this profound feeling that God wants me to continue searching among next year's sophomores.

All in all, I am in a place right now in need of more discernment. Luckily, I have a whole summer to pray about this, but for some reason, my mind has been thinking about this a lot. Hmmm....we shall see where God leads my heart.


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