Brothers are the best

Before I begin to study for finals, God has given me such a great appreciation for the brothers I have in Christ. I'm not going to lie, this week was taxing for me...physically because of school and emotionally because of all the things that were going on in my head. Yet, my brothers came to my rescue again, whether or not they know it. From the smallest bit of encouragement on a Facebook post to a 2.5 hour conversation with a brother in another city, God lifted my head and showed me that He cares for me as much as my brothers do. If they didn't care about me...they wouldn't give me the time of day. They wouldn't be willing to listen to all my problems and thoughts. Yet they do, and I couldn't be more grateful. God has given me amazing friends, loving brothers, and encouraging running mates. Without the community God has surrounded me with, I definitely wouldn't be as stable and as firm in my faith as I am today. So thank you to all my brothers. I love each and every one of you from the deepest depths of my heart...a love so big and consuming that it could only come from the Father. I know that God can use me now, and I can't wait to go out as Outreach Coordinator next year and spread that shlome love goodness :).
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