End of the Summer

This upcoming week is my last full week of summer...my last full week of ministry with those awesome high schoolers that I have come to love....my last full week with my amazing and encouraging brothers and sisters at The Rock.

This summer has been full of surprises, mainly because of God deciding to show up and work in a HUMONGOUS way. I'm glad that God decided to push me though, to encourage me to try new things and to make myself vulnerable. My internship with the high school ministry and revealing my deepest sin to my brothers and sisters at OGN was definitely all God, and looking back at everything, all of it was definitely worth it.

So I'm going to try to reflect on the biggest aspects of this summer and convey how God has used it to bless me, teach me, and encourage me.

1. Tabling at Orientation
As funny as it is, and despite the attitude I may have had, I always had the best time at these. I have gotten to meet some awesome incoming freshmen who I'm excited to hang out with once school starts back up. I have also come into contact with some freshmen who I can't wait to meet up. I am glad that God has placed me in a position of leadership with IV that involves getting to know people and making them feel welcomed! I didn't realize how perfect it was for me until this summer!

2. OGN
The best OGN for me by far. Why? Because God encouraged me, he affirmed ministry aspirations, and He used me in supernatural ways that I could only do through Him. Also, God surrounded me for a week with some of the most encouraging and FUN brothers and sisters. I have come to trust all of them and love all of them so much! I'm excited to see how we can work together this upcoming year even though we'll be in two different cities! I pray that we all seek to understand and live out what it means to live a naturally supernatural life! Thank you to Jeff, Andrew, Barrett, Ben, Cisco, Bree, Jessie, Sarah, Kristen Lomen, Kristen Kirst, Brenna, Royce, Valerie, Linda, and Sara for the most amazing time! I hope we can keep each other accountable and continue to spur each other on in going after our city and releasing the Kingdom of Heaven on this earth!

3. The Rock
I am super blessed to come home to a community that is God loving and God fearing. I have seen so much transformation in this group, and I am definitely excited to see how God uses this ministry to change our city. Living naturally supernatural. I have the coolest small group and get to fellowship with the greatest brothers on Monday nights. Thank you for all the encouragement and accountability! Without any of you, this summer would have been hard. I love all of the people I got to meet and have gotten to know during this summer as well. I like how God uses vulnerability to open up doors to new friendships :).

Hanging out at the Alvin's house after random events has definitely been a blessing to me as well. Kinda has become a second home, haha. Thank you to Janette and John for opening up your home and letting crazy college students chill at your house, make loud noises, and randomly jump in your pool! Thank you also for the countless number of cookies your have baked as well! I can tell you right now that God shines favor and love on both of you for opening up your arms and for being an encouragement to all of us! Please don't ever change!

4. Interning with Brandon and the High School ministry
For those of you who don't know, all of this came about because of God pushing me to try out and see what ministry would look like in my life. It all started with a vision I had at the beginning of the year...and six months later....because of a thought that came through that vision, I became the High School Intern.

Even though it was only a short two months, words cannot describe how much I have learned because of this experience or what these high schoolers have taught me. I think the biggest thing I can say right now is that I love all of them with such a God-fearing love and that I'm so proud of all of them. I have seen so many take initiative this summer in trying to bring about a ministry that serves God and reaches out the masses. As I sit in on Sunday mornings and discipleship trainings, I wish that my faith was as real in high school as some of them have now. That have shown such courage that I have to pray for God to give me! They are so much fun and have been welcoming as well. I really wish it wasn't coming to an end. I want to get to know more of them. I want to invest in their lives not from a distance. I want to be there for all of them, to give them a ride whenever they need it, to be able to drive to their house or meet up so that they can talk or ask for prayer about something....but I can't....which crushes me on the inside. All of you actually made me think about not going back to Merced!!!

At the same time, God has told me to not be discouraged, for though I cannot be there physically, I can be there for them in Spirit and that only thing stopping me from continuing to pour into the lives of these students is my selfish nature and pride! That scares me a little. But my passion for them is greater than my pride, so I know that through God, I will conquer and I will be love and hopefully God's voice to them.

Haha...there's so many of you high schoolers I could name right now. So first of all, the OGN high school crew. I really wish I could have conquered my fear that whole week and immersed myself in your guys' group....but I have a feeling that it was better that I didnt. But even though I didn't hang out with all of you, I did get to observe all of you, and I am fully encouraged by all of you. To see how passionate all of you are for God and to see how all of you were able to encounter His presence at OGN is so awesome! My prayer is that this fire will never die in you and that I can help all of you to continue to reach out to your friends and your campus! Once school begins, it'll be easy to let the OGN passion die, but I want to challenge ALL of you to continue to be strong and courageous and to immerse yourself in situations where you can only trust God. Be a light to your campus, a bringer of the Word and of life. The same goes for all of you who attended the Discipleship Experience. You are learning to be more like Jesus. Don't let what God has taught you this summer be for nothing. Be doers of the Word, not just hearers.

For you seniors, this is your last year to make a mark on your campus and to go out with a bang for God. Don't be like me and fill your high school with academic and leadership accomplishments and when looking back, wish you could have did more for God. For seniors and everyone else, use the gifts and talents God has given you to glorify Him and serve Him. Whether that'd be the sport you play or extracurricular activities you participate in, use those for the Kingdom. Trust me, this can be effective, and the easiest way to reach out to your friends and the people around you is when they see a attitude and lifestyle transformed by God. I know all of you can do this.

All in all, I'm going to miss all of you high schoolers as I head back to Merced. Even though I'm only an hour away, I feel that hour changes everything. I'm going to miss out on so much. I do not want to be strangers though, so y'all better keep in touch with me cuz you will definitely be an encouragement as I go through my difficult Bio classes. I love all of you and can't wait to hear the stories you'll have throughout this next school year!

Welp, that's it for now. More thoughts will continue to surface as the end comes closer. God has been so good this summer though, and I am so glad that I decided to take risks and follow Him in faith. Though I stumble many times, I know I can always get back up because I know that I'm strong with Him.


  1. Sounds like a powerful summer! Keep doing what you do brother. It's encouraging to see you lean into Jesus.


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